Want To Make A Difference?

24 Mar
Want To Make A Difference?

You don’t have to be beautiful or attractive or even talented to make a lasting difference in someone’s life or to live with incredible purpose.  You just need a little drive, determination, single-mindedness, focus and resolve.  What’s more is that, while it may be nice, you don’t have to be liked or accepted by others to have a positive impact; but you do have to like yourself.  Where you’re headed in life matters infinitely more than where you came from.  In other words, how you live is more important than where you were born.  Where you were born was yesterday.  How you live is today; You only have today.  Enjoy life…today.


Be the Best You

“He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” Is 53:2-3

Jesus wasn’t physically attractive but he was popular and he did have purpose.  What was true for Jesus is true for every human being.  Life flows from your heart and mind.  Pay more attention to your heart and mind than everything external.  I am not saying that you should make an effort to be ugly, or mean-spirited, or brash, or sickly, or out of shape.  It’s just that the most talented athlete with an ungrateful spirit is simply talented and nothing more.  The most beautiful person with an ugly attitude is simply unattractive, or worse repulsive.  After all, physical beauty is skin deep. 

Sometimes we are seduced into believing that being liked by someone, accepted by others, beautiful by comparison, or talented in a certain skill is what matters most of all.  But those are all things that change and frankly over which we have very little control.  As a result of this delusion, you may find yourself spending your emotion, money and time trying to impress people you don’t even like, although you should probably love them…even though you may not like them.   


Enjoy Life…Today

If you’ve been humbled by life’s circumstances, had your faith tested through hardship, or are weary of wandering aimlessly through daily life, maybe the best advice is the advice that Jesus would give;  Love God with every fiber of your being; also, love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Love God; Love your neighbor.  That’s all.  Maybe you should determine that you will live all out.  Forget the past; press on in the life God has given you.  Run!  Run!  Run!

My hope is you will turn your faith loose in every area of your life.  As you do, I caution you to keep your faith in God rather than in actual outcomes.  The direction of your faith has a lot more to do with its impact on your life than the size of it.  I hope that your faith will shift from something that is simply available to you to a faith that invites you into God’s adventurous will for your life. 

Find a way to engage and enjoy life today.  And as you run with purpose, notice how beautiful and loved you feel.  You were created to run, to live fully, today.  

How are you choosing to live all out?  I’d love to hear from you.  Comment below.    


What if your entire life was lived in only one day?  What would that look like?  What time of the day would it be for you?  Morning?  Afternoon?  Evening?  Find out in Your Life in One Day blog:


To learn how to build your life on the power of belief order a copy of my book 70 Seconds: Stop Wandering; Start Living and Leading!  For free shipping, visit

“I’ve known Dan Holland for more than thirty years and this book is a beautiful watermark of his faith. It is an enlightening read that reminds you that God desperately desires to use you in EVERY chapter of your life. He skillfully communicates that trusting fully in God’s love and promises are the keys to successfully getting through the adventures he calls you to. This book challenges you to walk bravely into the arena of your life and to listen carefully for what God is calling you to do!”

Kim Carbia, Career Coach; Author of “Faith and Unemployment”


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One response to “Want To Make A Difference?

  1. cheriecreech

    April 11, 2019 at 7:43 am

    LOVE YOUR STATEMENT! “I hope that your faith will shift from something that is simply available to you to a faith that invites you into God’s adventurous will for your life. “ Reminds of one of the things I learned from EXPERIENCING GOD study.


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